30, Pregnant and Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Welcome to the Oesch Family Blog. This blog will allow you to follow along as our family grows, we tackle my breast cancer and live life to its fullest.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Mattel to Make Bald Barbie

From a blog on BabyCenter.com

Mattel, creator of the classic Barbie doll, has agreed to manufacture a new hairless version of the doll, oft referred to as Bald Barbie.

She will be considered a “friend of Barbie,” according to this CBS News report. The doll won’t be sold in stores, but will be distributed, free of cost, to hospitals that treat children with cancer, as well as donated to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation.

According to this Time report Mattel would rather see the doll get put “directly into the hands of children who can most benefit from the unique play experience.”

The doll will come with hats, wigs, and scarves for the children, or grownups, to accessorize her with.
The impetus behind the making of a bald Barbie doll came from two friends, Jane Bingham and Rebecca Sypin, whose Campaign for bald Barbie drew media attention and loyal support from the public. Their Facebook Page, Beautiful and Bald Barbie: lets see if we can get her made, has close to 153,000 likes.
Bingham, who reportedly lost her hair as a result of chemotherapy treatments, explains the reasoning behind the idea for a bald Barbie:
“(We want girls to know) they’re not dependent on their hair for their self-worth and their beauty. Women and children, it’s looked down upon that you would go out without your hair. People would automatically assume that you’re sick and you should stay at home in bed,” Bingham says. “We wanted to change this stigma especially for girls because they don’t have many people to look up to,” she adds.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Emma's Artwork

Emma's school is great at providing the kids with different tactile experiences. One of them being art. They get to paint, put their hands in soapy water on the activity table, walk in paint, decorate coffee filters, etc.

Here are some photos of Emma's recent artwork.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

St. Louis Crisis Nursery Masquerade Ball

Monsanto sponsored a table at the Masquerade Ball and we had so much fun! We even gave back and sponsored a child to make sure that child and others are safe from child abuse and neglect; we are so fortunate to be able to provide emergency shelter and support for St. Louis children. To learn more about the non-profit organization, please visit their website at: http://www.crisisnurserykids.org/index.htm

Rain Makes Corn and DEKALB Brings You Luke Bryan Live!

Every year, DEKALB takes time at the Commodity Classic Show (this year in Nashville) to recognize our loyal customers and yield contest winners.

This year was extra special as it is the DEKALB brand's 100th Anniversary. What a memorable evening with dinner, line dancing, awards and recognition and a private Luke Bryan concert for our 600 customers!

A lot of hard work went into planning this event from my entire team and it sure paid off. I was still on a high the next day!

Here is a great time lapse video to see the 4 hour event in 50 seconds:

We hosted the event at the Wildhorse Saloon in downtown Nashville and we customized about every aspect we could to own the evening! Here are some photos:

Energizer Bunny

Emma is always playing, discovering, exploring...She is always on the go! Here she is just shy of 14 months old.

The Emma Rose

What a lucky girl...Emma has her very own boat! Thank you, Grandpa! We look forward to summer weather at the Lake!