30, Pregnant and Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Welcome to the Oesch Family Blog. This blog will allow you to follow along as our family grows, we tackle my breast cancer and live life to its fullest.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ready for Baby!

I go back to work tomorrow after a wonderful 2 week holiday vacation. These two weeks have been wonderful as I have been able to spend time with family and friends, continue to receive treatments and work towards getting healthy, ring in the new year with Rett and get the house further prepared for bringing Emma home from the hospital.

I have really begun to nest. I have cleaned out the refrigerator, the kitchen cabinets, the pantry, hung items on the wall in Emma's room, begun laundry of some of her outfits, blankets, towels, socks, etc. I even have myself and Emma packed for the hospital!

Rett and I made another trip to Babies R Us this weekend to finalize the necessities for the nursery- we now have the changing table set up, the bottles washed and in the cabinets and have our first jug of formula purchased!

I am getting more and more emotional and excited as each day comes and goes. In less than 60 days (55 days to be exact) our family will grow to three! I can't wait to hold our precious baby in my arms and know that she was able to tackle these past 5 months of treatment while in my tummy like a champ. I worry everyday about how the chemo and my added stress will effect her. But when I feel her moving around, kicking and punching and then see her beautiful face in the ultrasounds I am reminded how she is already a strong little one.

Tuesday is another big day for us. We have chemo in the morning, then we tour the Labor and Delivery floor (ironically the only one that I have not been exposed to at MoBap hospital), and then we have our 32 week appointment and ultrasound with Dr. Smith.

Rett and I thought it would be fun to look back at some of our baby photos so we could compare our photos to Emma's 3D ultrasound pics. You will really be able to pick up on my chubby cheeks and pointy chin and Rett's big eyes and sweet little lips.

My first and ONLY mug shot

Rett all dressed up with nowhere to go

We hope that all of you have a healthy and prosperous new year!
We love you!

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